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Governments can’t even isolate the so-called Corona Virus, yet committed economic suicide


Governments can’t even isolate the so-called Corona Virus, yet committed economic suicide 

By Jamie McIntyre


They can’t even isolate the so-called Corona Virus, yet committed economic suicide which has caused more suicides than the actual Covid deaths. (yet many demand proof of suicide deaths, but ask for no proof or so called Covid deaths).
They lie to us daily, about a falsified pandemic that only the dumbest of the dumb could still believe isn’t a politicised virus for other agendas.

They deliberately inflate Covid deaths thinking we are too stupid to figure it out, yet deny or outright hide the real deaths from suicide and other deaths caused by the oppressive lockdowns. Including those denied access to critical surgery or pre emptive checks, and medical treatments due to hospitals kept empty for a pandemic, that never came. Yet the lockdowns and new laws are all still rushed through to introduce effective communism / totalitarian police fascist state’s, based on a supposed pandemic that never ever eventuated, as Gates falsified modelling said it would.

So what exactly did our Governments commit economic suicide for? A mild flu? A virus that can’t make a large majority sick enough to even show symptoms (meaning they aren’t sick) hasn’t been isolated (mmm meaning generally if not isolated it doesn’t actually exist – but hey we are all open to seeing proof – one is entitled to ask for proof right? Just in case someone’s not being honest with us).

And still, they wish to lie that closing the borders saved us?

Humans that still believe that deserve the Government’s they get.
Lying fraudsters who commit crimes against humanity for greed.

The falsified Corona Virus has been one of the most pathetic actions in human history.
History will judge it harshly and those who supported it or still believe it even more harshly.

And just one of those political agendas is the planned roll out of mandatory vaccinations of Covid and other vaccines. The priming of our elderly to die sooner has already started from the deadly “Flu Vaccines” which they force upon them in a vulnerable state, and make compulsory for health workers, which more studies are showing kills our elderly. And both Us Defence studies and other studies listed in the British Medical Journal show it makes one more susceptible to dying of Corona Viruses and other diseases.

Also, what do Victorians think about Federal Labor congratulating Dan Andrews on a great job?
I’m sure parents of all those who sadly committed suicide thanks to Dan Andrews unnecessary and deadly and oppressive lockdowns don’t feel the same way.
More have died of suicide already then actual Covid deaths.

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