The Vladimir Putin Interview

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If the so called global pandemic was a real pandemic, and actually the real cause of the so called claimed deaths, then people would not need to be convinced to take it


If the so-called global pandemic was a real pandemic, and actually the real cause of the so called claimed deaths, then people would not need to be convinced to take it.

By Jamie McIntyre

Plus if the so called global pandemic, was a real pandemic, and actually the real cause of the so called claimed deaths, then people would not need to be convinced to take it.


Here’s what others had to say:

1. Jillian Anjali Skyvington
Yes it’s ALL so obvious & I’d also be the first to line up to take “a cure” if it was a real pandemic & the medicine was truly going to help me & others keep being healthy & thrive BUT it’s certainly not looking like this…even my 13-year-old grandson can see what’s going on.

2. nick_1708
Or spend over $25m to convince people it’s safe, have actors come out and sell it, have presidents, prime ministers showing everyone how easy and safe it is.

3. dyllen.maine
1000% correct. The Covid jab is a joke.

4. comealivethrive
Absolutely correct !!

5. Ainsley Jeffery
Or spent $24m of OUR taxes on a friggin marketing (aka coercion) campaign.

6. SDZimm_Designs
So true!…

7. Christine McDonald
Absolutely 100% right 👏

8. Mary S. Tecoma
Respiratory diseases are not contagious.

9. hols_981
1% death rate God help us if we ever encounter a real pandemic

10. Kim Maxi
Yes, that’s so obvious. Gotta ask why they forcing this especially when covid is a hoax!!

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