The Vladimir Putin Interview

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“Take back Australia”, a not for profit initiative, for Australians by Australians, a force for good


“Take back Australia”, a not for profit initiative, for Australians by Australians, a force for good

By Take Back Australia


“Take back Australia” is designed to bring our outdated and corrupted political system into the 21st Century, to restore our battered democracy, and national sovereignty, to our country.

To also remove the corrupted Globalists control over our nation, to implement proper safeguards to ensure our politicians can never represent foreign powers again and to ensure the “ Great Reset Agenda” is defeated.

To end the rushed to market, untested, unnecessary, ineffective, dangerous and deadly Global Medical Experiment before we suffer our worst humanitarian disaster by this dangerous public health policy, forced upon our nation under the Trojan horse of Covid- a totalitarian, communistic deadly anti-democratic agenda.

The design of a new political process to restore the power back to the people, including the elimination of political parties and State Governments (as we believe we are over Governed)

It will support the new world initiative including the defunding of the corrupted World Health Organisation, and fund the new Global Health Organisation, and denounce the World Economic Forums, “Great Reset “ agenda. It will also support the new Global Economic Forum to compete against the corrupted “ World Economic Forum”.

It will provide the means for a peaceful revolution, and enable our military and police forces to come back under the control of Australian Sovereignty, and remove those wrongly in power that is loyal to the Globalists.

A people initiative, by the people for the people. A force for good and a force for peaceful revolution.

To become a part visit

And join Take Back Australia on Telegram

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