The Vladimir Putin Interview

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What Should Happen to These Cov Fraudsters?


What Should Happen to These Cov Fraudsters?

By Jamie McIntyre

What should happen to these Covid fraudsters?

A call to arms they suggest.

I think I know what arms will be called if they keep this bullshit deadly propaganda up.
Murdoch hold your head in shame for printing such trash and taking Australians for dumb,stupid idiots, to think we’d fall for this bs nonsense for a second.

And disclose how much big Pharma and the Aust Government is paying you to push a deadly, unnecessary, ineffective,untested, rushed to market, deadly and dangerous global medical Experiment disguised as a vaccine when in fact its 99.9% Graphene poison.

For something that in the words of the Global Health Organisation report “if you don’t fear the common cold, you shouldn’t fear Covid ‘ and have downgraded the threat to 2 out of 10 , equal to other Coronavirus’s and the common cold”.

Download the 85 page report now.

Here’s what others had to say:

Howard Hartman
I heard part of a radio add the other day that said the crapcine was ‘the only way forward’…………….

Sasha Petrovic
Jamie who do you believe is behind COVID

Nichole Marie Dann-Sankey
I will choose what goes into my body. And it’s NOT the Covid vaccine 😡

Louise Nash
The deadly clotshot ! I do not consent.

Jman Hollier
They will have to shoot me before they can jab me

Paul N Kaye Fletcher
These ‘elite’ + politicians +MSM seem to forget there is more of us than them! People are slowly waking up!!

Roslyn Tycehurst
No invisible emeny the enemy is on tv day and night

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