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Dr. Peter McCullough | Failure of Vaxines & Truth Revealed


Dr. Peter McCullough | Failure of Vaxines & Truth Revealed

By London Times

There are multiple reports that fully vaccinated groups in the hubris of their newly gained freedoms are coming down with COVID-19, this time with the Delta variant. The HMS Queen Elizabeth reported an outbreak of 100 COVID-19 cases among 3700 fully vaccinated, socially distanced, and masked sailors. Many were detected by unnecessary asymptomatic testing, which is not approved by regulatory authorities and not sanctioned by the World Health Organization.

The lessons are clear for the military: they should reserve testing for only sick sailors and not put any stock on the vaccines as they clearly have failed. Fortunately, Delta is mild and very manageable if treated early at home in high-risk individuals or those presenting with severe symptoms. Mass vaccination, when it hits >25% of the population, begins to promote latent variants to become predominant and the overall flora of mutant strains to become less diverse.

For example, about six months ago in the US, we had about 14 strains, according to the CDC. Now we have only about six strains, with the rising Delta expected to become super dominant.

Since Pfizer, Moderna, and JNJ provide no coverage for Delta, we can surely expect more cases, but the public may be blinded to reality.

In this week’s McCullough Report, Daniel O’Connor is interviewed. He has a JD and is the founder and principal of TrialSiteNews, which is an innovative company offering regulatory and clinical trial services to the pharmaceutical industry as well as a valuable publisher of key scientific updates on a variety of topics including COVID-19. With the Trusted News Initiative overt censoring of valid scientific information on early treatment and vaccine safety, TrialSiteNews is among the few places that viewers can go and get accurate and well-referenced medical information on the pandemic.

This podcast finishes with a courageous interview with Dr. Sam White, who is a young medical doctor in England who saw things going wrong in the pandemic response and has fought to save his patients and his career against all odds in the tide of the pandemic. Let’s get real, let’s get loud, on America Out Loud Talk Radio.

You can listen to The McCullough Report on America Out Loud Talk Radio every Sat/Sun 2 PM ET Encore 7 PM – Internationally recognized Dr. Peter A. McCullough, known for his iconic views on the state of medical truth in America and around the globe, pierces through the thin veil of mainstream media stories that skirt the major issues and provide no tractable basis for durable insight.

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