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Anti-Israel protesters attempt to shut down Liberal Party fundraising event


Last Friday, a Liberal Party of Canada fundraiser featuring Justin Trudeau took place at Toronto’s opulent King Edward Hotel. And we were most curious to see if the event would be shut down by the few hundred pro-Hamas demonstrators who spilled onto King Street.

After all, earlier this month, these hooligans were indeed successful in shutting down a dinner at the Art Gallery of Ontario that was to going to feature Trudeau and his Italian counterpart, Giorgia Meloni. The Hamas supporters occupied the area outside the AGO and blocked the doors. And even though Toronto Police Division 52 is just one block away, the cops collectively shrugged their shoulders and allowed mob rule to take over. Par for the course, there were no arrests; nobody was tossed into solitary confinement; nobody had their bank accounts frozen. And the cancellation of the event made for yet another international embarrassment for Canada.

But this time, a sizeable law enforcement presence ensured the fundraiser went ahead. Tickets were $1,750-a- plate, making this event overpriced, we think, by precisely $1,749.99.

Truthfully, the vibe on King Street was somewhat weird. With pompous Liberal supporters inside the venue and hate-spewing Hamas types on the outside, who, pray tell, was one supposed to cheer for? Indeed, the scenario reminded us of the tagline for the 2004 movie, Alien vs. Predator: “Whoever wins… we lose.”

It was also somewhat odd that Trudeau was generating so much heat from the Hamas folk. Case in point: several posters denounced the Prime Minister as “Genocide Justin.” While there’s some alliteration there to be sure, does the sentiment ring true? After all, in recent weeks, the Trudeau Liberals have clearly signalled that they are on Team Hamas as they further abandon Israel.

For example, the Trudeau government announced it would resume funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency – even though a body of evidence indicates that some employees of this agency participated in the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel.

As well, the Trudeau Liberals announced they are banning non-lethal military exports to Israel.

And appallingly, Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks met and shook hands with the odious Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas is a holocaust denier; he says the Oct. 7 massacre was carried out by the Israeli Defense Forces; he even runs a so-called “martyrs’ fund” to financially reward terrorists who kill Israeli Jews.

And let’s not forget that just before Christmas, Dr. Ghazi Hamad, the senior leader of Hamas, praised the Justin Trudeau government for supporting a ceasefire in Gaza.

So, the question arises: what more do the pro-Hamas pals want?

We also wanted to ask what message they wanted to convey to both Trudeau and to the Jewish community.

As you are likely aware, we were in the process of conducting public interest journalism in a public place until some police officers thought our questions were too impolite. So they arrested us.

Welcome to Justin Trudeau’s Canada in 2024. Police turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to certain people calling for genocide. As for the free independent press? Looks like the cops have never heard of that old adage: “don’t shoot the messenger.”

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