The Vladimir Putin Interview

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It Dawned on Me That the Republic Was Gone When Allen Dulles Was Appointed to the Warren Commission


TUCKER CARLSON: In all of your time in Congress, did you ever come across other members of Congress who said, “Wow, the CIA was involved in Kennedy’s assassination.” Was this well-known?

RON PAUL: I never heard anybody say that.


RON PAUL: Maybe my close friends.

TUCKER CARLSON: Now I think people recognize that as true, but that was 60 years ago and our lawmakers never talk about it.

RON PAUL: You mentioned it earlier. That brought back a memory. Do you know who they appointed to the [Warren] Commission? Allen Dulles!

TUCKER CARLSON: So the guy who was responsible for the murder was investigating the murder!

RON PAUL: That’s when it dawned on me, the Republic is gone! It was eroding from the beginning of the last century from the philosophic changes, but I think — what about that former CIA agent who said, “We were taught to lie, cheat, and steal!” And he giggled! And the crowd clapped, and he was making fun of it.

TUCKER CARLSON: It does make you wonder if people want to be free.

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