The Vladimir Putin Interview

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Have you all seen Trump’s EO on child welfare of vulnerable children?


Have you all seen Trump’s EO on child welfare of vulnerable children?

By Staff Reporter

Wow, have you all seen Trump’s EO on child welfare of vulnerable children?
There are three main points but the third is to keep children out of the foster care system. This is huge!

“Increase federal oversight of requirements that keep children safely out of foster care when possible and ensure a permanent resolution—reunification, adoption, or guardianship—whenever the system must become involved”

He’s also working on orchestrating partnerships with faith-based ministries, which is a big deal!

And the overall goal is to help support families.

He’s doing away with the foster care system and whatever is left of it will be highly regulated. He knows what they have been doing. The foster care system has been used as a child trafficking operation.

The EO is long, so I’ll link it in this post. Boom!

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